Sunday Open Mics
Last night I went to the Scramble at the Sac Comedy Spot. Brian wanted me to fix his computer, so we made a deal. I hadn’t signed up but Des made room at the end. Thanks man. I got up there, and they said they wanted to contemplate existence. I hadn’t heard that one before. So I was like, do it. It was really quiet for a while. Then the light came on. I said I hope you guys figured something out. After I walked to my car and this guy leaned out of a car that went by and said he was still contemplating. Right on man.
Then I went straight to On The Y, run by Austin Hodge. They had this guy go on first with a fake mustache. It came off during his set where he flailed around talking about the porn star John Holmes. I went on later. They said they wanted to play checkers. There was a checker board varnished into one of the tables, but we didn’t have pieces. I started to make pieces out of napkins, and then when they realized I was serious, they quit messing around and said they wanted to laugh. I told them some jokes, and closed with my one about how I used to wear FUBU, but now it’s not For Us By Us, it’s Face Us Book Us: latin for Facebook.