Monday Open Mics
Last night I went to Po’ Boyz. I knew I might not make it, so I didn’t even shower after my brief run. Cheryl said I could try. I ran in from my car, and turns out there was no mic and no backdrop. Everyone knows Cheryl for her backdrop. Backdrop it like it’s hot. Anyway, it was a fun time being intimate with the crowd with no mic and them being close. I told my intimate joke. Made it more like Boxing Donkey.
Then I went there, to the Donkey. Made it just in time since Sam was just ending the show when I walked in. Huge crowd. They were fun, but they wanted to party instead of hear jokes. I told them if we were gonna party, we needed all this stuff. I did 10 minutes listing off party supplies and then assigning people to get different supplies, but no one got any. It’s hard to believe people can be so interested in something as simple as me listing off party supplies.